Richard Shook, Ph.D. has over 30 years’ experience as a psychotherapist. His psychotherapeutic orientations have always included a strong humanistic and existential focus. His work integrates Gestalt, Jungian, object-‐relations, family systems and Ericksonian hypnosis. His recent therapeutic focus has been on integrating mindfulness and acceptance themes with a special emphasis on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. He had the opportunity to experience the power of mind/body interventions while he served as a medic in the Air Force. He developed his mind/body interests more deeply when he completed his residency/internship at the University of Virginia Health Sciences Center, and a fellowship in pain management in the Department of Anesthesiology. His pain management concentrated on using both hypnosis and mindfulness meditation in the treatment of severe pain. His clinical work in psychotherapy and health psychology has allowed him a front row seat to the self-‐healing and self-‐regulating powers we all share.